Goldfish Salad | Recipes

I have to give Kevin all the credit for this salad.  He created this one night from what we had in the kitchen, and it is our go to salad.   It’s so delish and easily a meal on its own.  Now, the salad has nothing to do with goldfish, but when we shared this recipe with Vanessa she told us this story, and so the name goldfish salad has stuck.

So here it is…you need whatever greens you like, we usually use romaine.

Oh, and while you are getting everything ready, go ahead and cook up a little bacon.  You can obviously leave this out or substitute something, but this house eats bacon…

  You will also add tomatoes.  Add as much as you want.

Wash and cut a pint of strawberries and one cucumber.

And one can of mandarin oranges. (Goldfish)

Now add cheese.  You know I am a shred it yourself advocate, but use what you have…

We also normally add shaved or slivered almonds but we didn’t have any this time.

Mix it all and you have this…

You would think that some of the flavors wouldn’t mix, like strawberries and cheese, but it is so good.  Seriously good, and for those people who don’t like salad dressing (my husband…) this is the perfect salad.  I use ranch dressing and it is fab.

Now, if you are making this, and you know you will have leftovers, make it buffet style and keep the ingredients separate, otherwise the salad will be very wet and wilted the next day.

Try this and let me know what you think.

Tomorrow is the 30 for 30 remix start day.  I hope I’m happy with my 30 items….

7×7 Link Awards | Random

What an unexpected surprise I got from Nissi, from when she nominated me for the 7×7 blog awards!  This is my very first blog recognition and I am honored to participate.  You must go read Nissi’s blog, as she writes beautifully, and puts life into perspective through her posts.  (And I understand she is a shoe gal like me!)  I admit, I had to do a little research just to see what this was all about, and am excited to write this post.  You have a few requirements so here I go….

Number 1.  Thank the person who nominated you.  Nissi, thank you for the nomination, and for reading my blog.  I appreciate that you have taken an interest in what I write and I love that even though I don’t know you, I feel supported by you.

Number 2.  Share 7 things about yourself.  Only 7?  Okay….

1.  I eat Nutella with a spoon for dessert.

2.  I want to learn a foreign language, but know I never will.

3. My husband and I go through 2 gallons of milk each week.

4. I want to go to Greece, badly.

5. I enjoy ironing.

6. I want Giuliana Rancic’s job on E!

7. I hate talking on the phone.

Number 3.  Share 7 of your blog posts that fit into the following categories…

Most beautiful:  Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas  The song gets me every time.  I am so hopeful that my heart will be light and that my troubles will be out of sight…

Most Helpful:  Moss Wreath  I say this was the most helpful because from all of my DIY posts, this one has had the most views…hmmmm.

Most Popular: Egg Noodle Casserole  Again I relied on my stats to tell me this one.  I guess you all liked this one.  (It is pretty good).

Most Controversial: Pink or Blue and Our Healing Hearts  I wouldn’t say these were controversial, but they were the closest posts I had.  I couldn’t pick one without the other.  This could be considered controversial only because I really opened up to share wonderful news when maybe I shouldn’t have.  I don’t regret it, but one could question if that really was the right move.  I opened myself up to where I had no choice but to write Our Healing Hearts…

Most Surprisingly Successful: Color Blocking  Just surprised this was successful that’s all.

Most Underrated: Wedding Attire  Come on people, it was my wedding!

Most Pride Worthy: Driftwood Monogram  This was the project that Kevin loved the most.  This is meaningful to us because it is made from the driftwood of our favorite place in the world.  I love it.  (I love all of my projects though).

Number 4. Nominate 7 other bloggers.  Okay, I can’t wait to read your posts!

The View From Erica

Indulge-Travel, Adventure & New Experiences

Lindsey Regan Thorne Be Pretty

The PinQue Blog

My Life, My Blog, and Everything I Love

Little Green Bow

So I Tried This

(This is my surprised face)  But so you know, Kevin grabbed my butt.

Have a great week!

My First Christian Louboutin’s | Random

I love shoes.  Love them.  I would rather have shoes than jewelry.  I pick out outfits around shoes.  I bought my wedding shoes before my wedding dress.  I love shoes.

This is the story of my very first pair of my favorite shoes, Christian Louboutin’s.    Let’s begin by looking at this picture.

Would you believe that just 15 minutes before this picture was taken I had been crying hysterically?  Seriously, my biggest adult cry to date.

It all started with my birthday.  My wonderful, fiance at that time, surprised me with a beautiful pair of Christian Louboutin’s.  Similar to these…

Except mine were not sling back.  Well, they were a bit too small so we took a trip to Neiman Marcus.  You see, we had our engagement pictures scheduled for that day, and I so wanted to wear these for my pictures.  They didn’t have my size in these cork beauties, so I opted for a different pair…(so I could wear them in pictures).  It actually turned out great because the shoes I ended up getting were a bit cheaper than the cork ones, so we also got my wedding shoes… these beauties…

Am I the luckiest girl or what?  Two pairs of designer shoes in one day?  But I’m off topic.  I was so happy and once we got home we both changed for our pictures.  Kevin was finished and waiting for me downstairs.  I slipped on my new red soled loves and admired them in the mirror.  I walked downstairs waiting for Kevin to tell me how great I looked (like he does everyday…awww) and… I……slipped.

My heart still hurts thinking about this.  Give me a minute.              Okay.  I fell.  I was okay, but when I saw my shoe I was in complete hysterics.  No joke, not being dramatic, full blown hysterics.  My heel had broken. Bad.  Kevin was by my side and was attempting to calm me down.  He said it was the worst face I had ever made.  He thought I was hurt badly.  My thought obviously was that Kevin had spent a lot of money on these shoes and I ruined them.  I felt every emotion.  So Kevin called our sales girl at Neiman Marcus.  I knew there was no hope.  But, she said they would take them back!  WHAT?  Yes, we took them back.  Now, they didn’t have my size so we had to order them, (which means I didn’t end up wearing them in my engagement pics) and they came later that week.

So now I have the beauties you see everyday on my home page of this blog.  But here they are again.

It really was an emotional day.  We ended up getting our pictures taken by the wonderful Vanessa, and we decided that crying makes your eyes really blue.  I did get to wear my shoes for our second engagement shoot as seen above.  (If you are interested you can see both engagement sessions here and here.

I would love to get the cork shoes.  I want a closet full of Christian Louboutin’s and I want all of my friends to have them!  I want to meet Christian Louboutin and ask him if we can be friends.  Is that weird?

I wear my shoes a lot.  As much as possible but I haven’t walked down stairs in them once.  Not once, and I doubt I ever will.

PS. Don’t forget about this great challenge!  There is a gift card up for grabs!

10 DIY Projects Anyone Can Do.

Okay, so if I can do this, you can do this. I’m learning as I go, and my projects aren’t perfect, but they are close enough for me.  We all want beautiful homes and beautiful things, but we can’t always get what we want right?  So here are a few projects anyone can do.  They don’t require a lot of materials and can be modified to suit your specific taste!  Come on, jump on in and get a little crafty!

Phone cases 

Driftwood Monogram

Candle Sweaters


No Sew Pillow

Quick Fabric Tray

Moss Wreath

Fabric Tray

Table and Dresser




Spaghetti Cake | Recipes| DIY

I went to my hometown this past weekend to celebrate my twin niece and nephew’s 5th birthday.  It was a Super Mario Bros (and Princess Peach) theme so my sister made this amazing spaghetti cake.  This is how it goes down.

She used 2 boxes of chocolate cake, 4 cans of white frosting, strawberry jelly, and white chocolate.  Mix your cake and pour it into your round cake pans.  Once done, set one aside, and let them cool.  Flip them onto your cake pan with strips of parchment or wax paper to keep the icing off of the cake pan.

Spread a layer of frosting between each layer, remember you are only using 3 layers.  The other is for the meatballs!

You really just need a “crumb layer” you will go back and smooth it all out.

To make the meatballs you just grab some cake from your other layer you put aside, roll into a ball, and roll into some of the cake crumbs.

Just place them on top and begin making the “noodles”.  If you don’t have a piping bag, just place the icing in a ziplock bag and make a small snip in the corner.  Just begin piping it on top of the cake.

Add the strawberry jelly (the sauce).

And some grated white chocolate as the Parmesan cheese.  Cute right?

The cake was a hit, and delish!  We also had pizza dip and spaghetti.  Real spaghetti.

Oh, and my sister and I may or may not have worn mustaches…


I Made a Scarf | DIY

I am sew happy I got my sewing machine. ( Now is when Kevin would laugh and roll his eyes a little at the “sew happy” part.  I bust out a play on words all the time and it is one of the many things he loves about me)….but I’m off topic.

Sew,So, I have wanted to spend as much time as possible on the sewing machine.  I guess that is a good sign, and also means I haven’t gotten too frustrated yet.  I mean, at this point I can whip out a straight stitch like nobody’s business.

I love scarves, who doesn’t?  So while at the fabric store I picked up this pretty floral fabric.

It is actually inside out in the above picture, but you can still see how lovely it is.  I used 2 yards of fabric, (and here is where it gets technical) cut it in half.  I wanted to use the fold side as a good clean side that I wouldn’t have to sew.

I sewed the other side, remember the fabric is inside out, and one of the ends.

Straight stitch, pretty fabric…

Now, just like my 4th side issue with my tiny pillow, I also had a 4th side here.  You see, Once you sew the 3 sides you can’t sew the 4th because you have to turn it right side out.   Then you are left with an open side and a beginner pondering her next move.

“I guess just sew it” I said.

Sew I did.  I know this isn’t the perfect way to do it, but I’m learning, and at my next sewing class I will be sure to ask.

I did trim it up a bit.  I figure that a scarf is all wound around so no one will ever know.  I plan on making more scarves, fabric shopping is fun.

I have my next sewing class next week, where we will be making a tote bag!

Oh, and don’t forget to join our 30 for 30 remix!  It will be fun!

30 For 30 Remix | Style

So Vanessa and I have been talking about this challenge and we are ready to give you all the deets!  We are so excited about this and hope you all will jump on board and join us in this challenge.  There are some great giveaways for those who participate if you need a little motivation!

So it’s the time of year when I try not to shop.  It is the in-between time of winter and spring, so I really try to hold out until I can get my hands on some great spring clothes.  Plus, I figure I can make do with what I have on hand in my closet.  Here is where the challenge begins.  30 items…30 days.  You in?

We got this idea from a blog Vanessa and I  follow, Kendi Everyday.  Here’s the rundown.  Pick 30 items from your closet.  It is completely up to you, but you will want to plan this out a bit because you can only wear a combination of these items for the 30 days.  You will pick pants, skirts, sweaters, shirts, cardigans, and yes…shoes.  Kevin asked me if I was going to pick one dress and 29 pairs of shoes…don’t think I didn’t consider it.  Don’t wear anything else for the 30 days except for a combination of your 30 items.  Accessories don’t count towards your 30 items…you’re welcome.  So mix it up with scarves, tights, hats, jewelry, even changing up nail polish will add to a look.  One exception is leggings.  If you are going to wear leggings as pants they must count towards your 30 items.  If you will wear them as tights, they count as an accessory.  I normally wear mine as pants so they will have to count towards my 30.  Another exception will be if you have a special event to attend such as a wedding, benefit, etc, you may wear an appropriate dress to the event not included in your 30.  Oh, and no shopping for 30 days!

Kendi has a great workbook available to download for $4.00.  We have used this as we plan.  This is gonna be fun, come on, join us!

You will need to take a picture of your 30 items (we need to see what you’ve got going on), you may want to group all of your pants together on your bed and snap a pic, we don’t need 30 separate pictures.

*Email us at & all of your items! This just helps us see that you are joining the challenge!
*Leave us a comment on one of our blogs letting us know you have are participating and what you are hoping to gain from this challenge!
*Let us know by Tuesday, Jan 31st if you are joining the challenge by doing the 2 items above!

*Send us weekly emails:  We are asking that you send us a weekly email showing us one of your outfits!  We would like these images to be sent to us no later than Sunday before we start the following week!
*Comment on our blogs throughout the challenge letting us know how the challenge is going for you. Likes/Dislikes/what you are learning/favorite outfits. What you want to buy when this is over!

To help you get motivated  your weekly email will enter your name ONE more time into the drawing.
For instance:
Your comment/initial email with all your items = 1 entry
Week 1 email w/ one or more outfits = 1 entry
Week 2 email w/ one or more outfits = 1 entry
Week 3 email w/ one or more oufits = 1 entry
week 4 email w/ one or more outfits = 1 entry
Total: 5 entries!

Vanessa and I will be posting our outfits daily so be sure to check us both out!  Please jump over to her site and read her 30 for 30 post, hopefully it will be clear with both of us explaining it.  However, if you have any questions please leave a comment and we will get right back to ya.

To help you get inspired check out this video below!!!

Remember, if you accept this challenge you will be entered for a fab giveaway.  One person (randomly selected by will win a $75.00 Visa gift card.  Two more of you will win an accessory picked out by Vanessa and me.

We are excited!  Who’s with us?

Sewing 101 | DIY

I had my sewing class last week.  It was very basic, but I needed very basic.  I took my machine and learned on it, so that was nice.  We basically learned how to thread the machine, which is difficult enough the first time around.  I had figured this out, (with the help of my dear husband and YouTube), but it was nice to have the confirmation that I had it right.  We also practiced making a few different  stitches.  That was pretty much all we did, but the sweet instructor talked a lot about sewing and encouraged us not to give up when we get frustrated, but rather walk away.  Because we will get frustrated.  Oh boy.  She gave us her contact information and suggested we call with any questions we have.  I will be taking her up on that for sure, along with some friends who sew beautifully…hope you don’t mind, you know who you are!

So feeling all confident I wanted to try to make a pillow.  I wanted to practice more than anything, so I used some of my practice fabric and whipped this bad boy up in no time.

Now, I did great on the 3 sides, but that 4th side looks kinda rough.  Any tips on that one?  Oh and this is not a regular size pillow.  It is small.  Really small.  It was my practice pillow, so there was no need for a full size.  However, Kevin found a use for it.

Obviously I made him move over.

We may or may not have had some wine….

Oh see, there is the 4th side.

So my next class we will be making a tote bag.  Stay tuned for the results of that.  I have a few things in mind to make that shouldn’t be too hard, at least in my mind they aren’t.

So if you sew, any tips for a beginner?  Any books I must get or something simple to make?

Golden Globes Likes and Dislikes | Style

I love the season of awards shows…The Golden Globes, The Grammys, The Oscars, The SAG Awards, I normally watch them all.  Side note (that may or may not have anything to do with this post) I dislike parades and pageants.

So The Golden Globes was on Sunday night and I am going to tell you my likes and dislikes.

Likes:  In no particular order…

  • Ricky Gervais.  Hilarious.  Especially the Kate Middleton, Kim Kardashian bit.  If you didn’t see it Google it.
  • The table views.  I love seeing the celebs talk to each other and pour endless amounts of vino and bubs.  I couldn’t decide which table I would want to join.
  • Although I am not “Team Jolie”  she looked amazing.
  • And so did Charlize.
  • This may have been my favorite dress of the night, the one I would have liked to have worn.
  • And this…
  • And I hope and pray I look this good…Helen Mirren is GORGE!
  • I also liked Stacy Keibler’s red dress, I liked the bow.
  • Diane Lane is also beautiful.  She looked great.
  • I loved the color that Viola Davis and Emma Stone wore.  Tina Fey also rocked a similar deep red.
  • There were so many other gals I loved.  Laura Dern, Frieda Pinto, Berenice Bejo, Sofia Vergara…..
  • Oh and a big like for Kate Winslet winning for Mildred Pierce.  SUCH a great movie, both the Kate Winslet remake and the Joan Crawford original.  Curl up on the couch one weekend and watch these….

But there were some misses for me.  On to the dislikes:

  • No words.
  • ?
  • A lot of people loved Salma’s dress, but I didn’t.
  • And I love, love, Giuliana, and I think this is the first time I haven’t liked her style.
  • Now for Rooney Mara, I haven’t been a fan of her style.  It’s too hard.  And her hair?  Mine looks exactly like that right now and I have on yoga pants and a sweatshirt.
  • See…

So that’s pretty much my review.  What did you think?  Do you agree with me or did you like that crazy tie dyed, swirly blue dress?  I would love to hear what you thought.

Don’t forget about the blog challenge…you will get all the details Monday!

All pictures courtesy of E entertainment…except for one.

January Birchbox | Style

Yay it arrived!  I get excited each month to receive the pink package in the mail.  Sometimes I am so anxious, I will look up what I will be receiving on the Birchbox website.  This is what I got this month…

  • Archipelago Pomegranate Body Soap.  This smells amazing and I am looking forward to using this.  I am a body wash kind of gal, so I am looking forward to seeing if I like the bar soap…
  • Juicy Couture Perfume.  I love perfume and love to switch it up.  Birchbox has certainly helped with this.
  • Origins Checks and Balances Frothy Face Wash.  I love this.  I also switch up face washes and I am loving this so far.
  • Stila Smudge Stick Waterproof Eye Liner.  Mine was brown and it certainly is smudge proof.  It hardly comes off at all.  I needed my eye makeup remover to get this off.  I like it though.  Vanessa got a pretty blue, I love to compare with her box.
  • Larabar.  Mine was carrot cake.  I haven’t tried it yet, I’ve been eating the bowl of M&M’s on our counter instead.
  • And a cute little Birchbox magnet.  We are not a magnet family.  We have 0 magnets on our fridge.  Well, now we have 1.

So that’s the rundown.  If you receive Birchbox and got something different leave me a comment, I want to know your swag.

Oh, and stay tuned for a fun blog challenge I am doing with Vanessa.  It has to do with clothes, and you can win a visa gift card!  Enough said.